I love it when things come in simple, utilitarian packaging — it kind of says that whatever’s inside is so special that it doesn’t need any help from its container.
To “pick up” a bottle of Le Labo perfume is sort of an understatement, though. Once you choose from the dozen or so scents, a lab coat-clad mixologist blends a fresh helping of it for you, and prints a label with your name on it. It’s a semi-couture fragrance. There are body lotions, massage oils, candles, and even a Rose 31-scented laundry detergent (think about Rose 31-scented underwear! )
Santal 33 is a woodsy, Marlboro-man inspired juice that appeals to men and women—a common thread in Le Labo creations.
So when you oh-so-thoughtfully gift one to your live-in significant other, be sure to remind them: sharing is caring.

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