Let's talk jewelry...
If you haven't updated your jewelry box in years, and those emer-old pieces are simply opal-ling, er, appalling, it is time to glam up your look.
So today I'd like to share a fun, exciting class with you taught by a fellow image stylist - the wonderful, talented Dina Rudman of Modnitsa Atelier.
I met Dina during my image stylist training at FIT - she is kind, fun, has great style and eye for color and passion for custom jewelry design.
411: Learn how to create unique and beautiful jewelry using Semi-Precious and Precious Stones secured with sterling silver and gold findings. In this 1 hour class, taught by Jewelry Designer and Image Stylist, Dina of Modnitsa Atelier (www.ModnitsaAtelier.com) you will create a pair of earrings or a necklace with up to 20 semi-precious stones.
The deal is on the Living Social Midtown website:
The deal is on the Living Social Midtown website:
Please go check her out on www.ModnitsaAtelier.com/jewelry-design
to learn more about her jewelry designs.
You can follow her on Twitter as well @Modnitsa
Run, do not walk to Dina's class!